
Hi, I’m Rose and I warmly WELCOME you to my website.

I love my work and take great pleasure in seeing people journeying into a more balanced state of being and happiness.

Often there comes a time in life when we begin to look for change within ourselves, or, perhaps for healing, or even that elusive inner peace.

If you are searching for ways to create the changes you desire within your life, I offer you some options. I can help you through Holistic and Transpersonal Counselling and mentoring to release issues and patterns in your life which are not serving you.

For personal and/or spiritual growth I offer you different styles of meditation classes, energy healing and various workshops offering transformational tools and life skills.

If you wish to learn to heal yourself and others, I offer the Usui system of Reiki Training which is, Reiki 1, 2 and Masters.

A retreat is a wonderful way to take time out and leave the world as you know it behind, for a short time. Taking time to relax and rejuvenate or to go deeper within, aids your heart, mind, body and spirit.

I can help you journey toward balance, wholeness and authenticity through counselling, healing, transformative processes and techniques and training.

This is YOUR life and it’s about what YOU need to live it more balanced, happy and fulfilled.

If I can be of service please contact me. I’ll look forward to meeting you.

Many Blessings
